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The laboratory industry has had a rocky ride in recent years, and there is no evidence it will let up soon; reimbursement faces ongoing compression from multiple fronts, changing healthcare models threaten to undermine laboratory’s role in the delivery of optimized healthcare in an increasingly patient-centric world; and information sharing needs are fueling an explosion of healthcare IT demands. Healthcare is predicted to change more in this decade than it has in the whole preceding 50 years. By some estimates, 35% of current healthcare organizations will cease to exist within the next five years and another 40% will find themselves in a precarious position. Only 25% are projected to thrive over the next five years.
So how does a laboratory ensure it’s part of the successful minority rather than becoming a healthcare casualty? The key is understanding the critical role laboratory has to play in healthcare delivery, and leveraging its unique information assets to earn a “seat at the table” as healthcare continues to be transformed.
“Lowering the duplicated patient record rate increases revenue cycle efficiency by improving the accuracy of information used to submit claims, collect payments and provide care.”
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We help you to take control of your billing operations, improve cash collections, reduce regulatory compliance risk, and better manage financial performance.
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We increase lab testing capacity, enables the creation of new revenue models, improves operational efficiencies, and makes it easier to connect to other partners.
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We uniquely integrate and visualize clinical, diagnostic, and financial data, enabling healthcare professionals to gain insights, make better decisions, and improve outcomes.
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We open up new revenue opportunities, improve quality assurance, and minimize the risk through secondary digital consultations and professional networking.
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With high volumes and compressed margins, clinical laboratories need a platform that enables them to unleash the value of diagnostics — not just a smarter clinical laboratory billing or laboratory information system, but a technological foundation that encompasses both clinical and financial aspects, and lets laboratories gain the visibility and the tools they need to take control of their businesses.
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[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-flask” icon_size=”32″ icon_style=”square” icon_color_bg=”#05a297″ title=”Optimize Your Business” hover_effect=”style_2″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]HealthQuest RCM’s extensive managed services shoulder the burden of keeping you up to date with everything from regulatory changes, to modifications to CPT codes and fluctuations in claim adjudication methods. Our “finger on the pulse” model allows XIFIN to draw on our breadth of in-house expertise and depth of research to understand the latest policies and incorporate them into our solutions, so that you can focus on optimizing your business.
[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-external-link-square” icon_size=”32″ icon_style=”square” icon_color_bg=”#05a297″ title=”Business Intelligence” hover_effect=”style_2″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]You cannot manage what you cannot measure. Healthcare data, particularly clinical laboratory diagnostic and billing data, is especially complex and often difficult to interpret. We have applied our expertise in healthcare financial management to design a business intelligence data model to handle the volume and complexity of clinical laboratory information and that yields meaningful, useful results. Taking advantage of this robust information is critical to clinical laboratories’ success, as it is essential to understanding and improving clinical outcomes. It is also a critical component in demonstrating value in coordinated care and value-based pricing models.
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