Family practice
A family practice that requires outsourcing their revenue cycle management can get the best RCM done by a health quest RCM. Our top-quality services and transparency to the clients make us the best RCM Company globally. We have the latest EHR software to manage the family and general practice.
Features of EHR software:
- Dashboard: Our software has a unique and easy dashboard that gathers the MIPS reporting datas to avoid penalties. We have an in-house MACRA team to help and guide in reporting and compliance of the clients.
- Multiple Visit Types: We have different templates that suit the family practice and pediatrics. The Pediatrics sections include Initial, Well Baby, and Sick Baby visits.
- Images and Handwriting Recognition: EHR software had image and electronic handwriting recognition. The X-ray, opg, ct scans, and other test reports attached with the patient’s record can be read and retrieved quickly.
- Medication Management and e-prescription: EHR software manages the medications and saves the e- ex for quick retrieval in the future. Maintains a medication database per patient with refill management.
- Labs: clients can schedule and order a test from the Healthquest RCM and the reports are available on the dashboard with alerts on abnormal reports.
- Messages: This section consists of all the official sent and received messages that are important.
Why Healthquest RCM For family practice
Family practice requires a lot of management like documentation, management of lab reports, treatment plans, revenue generation, and many other things. HealthQuest RCM provides the best outsourcing to manage the revenue and billing so that you can focus on your work.
We offer:
- 99% success rate on 1st attempt clearinghouse claims.
- Alert messages on the unavailability of the doctors on the scheduled date.
- Batch-verify eligibility in advance through the scheduler and for same-day / walk-ins
- Real-time claims tracking.
- iOS/ android friendly.
- Our portals are iPad, desktop, laptop, and mobile-friendly.
Our Facilities
We Offering Healthcare Services to Client's
- Emergency
- Facilities
- Reaction

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When I look at Healthquest I look at them as Operators, we don’t look at them as consultants. There was always a conversation about why did we outsource. Unfortunately, we have to change several software and applications in past but selecting the right revenue cycle partner is like security assured income.”
Group Practice
“We are glad to meet partners, not a third-party vendor who knows out-of-network billing with top insurances. Healthquest creates a better environment for the sales reps and we will be able to grow our volume and revenue and achieve a better outcome.”
Our Client
We never had an idea to validate genetic services in our chain of labs special thanks for HealthquestRCM Validation-Molecular and Revenue Cycle team we are delighted with your services and knowledge