Research and Development
During the last few decades, genetic research has made rapid progress. Key areas of genetic research include diagnosis of disease risk factors, understanding the role of recessive inheritance in disorders that are usually seen as dominant, developing new treatments for specific disorders genetic disorders, infectious diseases, and non-communicable diseases. Key areas of genetic research include:
- Genetic test.
- Gene therapy.
- Reproductive Genomics.
- Genetic databank and pharmacogenomics.
Genetic research is now entering a new era with the availability of large-scale sequencing data from the human genome project and similar projects for other organisms. Consequently, bioinformaticians are playing an increasingly essential role in genetics research by performing analysis on this large amount of data using automated pipelines to characterize genes, predict their structures, and identify variants in the sequences.
Bioinformatics includes several tools to facilitate the research process, such as data storage, querying of databases, software development for annotation of genes, analysis of gene expression or protein structures, etc. Another important aspect of bioinformatics is web-based tools that allow biologists to upload their own data so that these can be searched in a standardized manner using built-in algorithms. The most widespread example is NCBI’s BLAST search engine.
Bioinformatics has become a key tool in genetics research because it provides researchers with easy access to databases and web-based tools that enable them to carry out their tasks more efficiently.
However, many issues remain unsolved, such as methods for processing sequence assemblies from next-generation sequencing technologies, accurate functional annotation tools, etc. In fact, this is a broad area filled with open questions which require creative thinking and input from different areas of expertise.

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
HINARI: Access to Health Internet Works Research Initiative.
INASP: International Network for Scientific Availability.
Entrez (Global Query Cross-Database Search System)
Shared: Science for Health and Research for Development.
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